Academic Publications and Blog Articles
Gerbaudo, M. (2023). Come (Non) Rendere Frontex Responsabile: Il Caso WS e Altri v Frontex (T-600/21), Diritti Comparati, 12/10/2023.
Gerbaudo, M. (2023). The Solidarity Platform: Re-designing Operational Cooperation within the EU Migration Policy, Adim Blog, 30/06/2023.
Gerbaudo, M. (2023), Temporary Protection: Which Future in The EU Migration Policy?, Quaderni AISDUE 1/2023, vol 1 (Editoriale Scientifica 2023), 249-262.
Gerbaudo, M. (2023). Instrumentalisation package: derogation and confinement as the blueprint for the future EU migration policy, Diritti Comparati, 07.03.2023.
Gerbaudo, M. (2023) Public documents on the move in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: uniformisation or free circulation? Papers di diritto europeo, 2023, special issue, 93-109.
Gerbaudo, M. (2022). The European Commission's Instrumentalization Strategy: Normalising
Border Procedures and De Facto Detention. European Papers-A Journal on Law and Integration,
2022(2), 615-626.
Gerbaudo, M., Ristuccia, F. (2022). Facing the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis, Via Sarfatti 25, 22/03/2022.
Gerbaudo, M. (2021). I flussi migratori nel 2021: emergenza arrivi o crisi umanitaria?, Agenda Treccani, 19/09/2021.
Gerbaudo, M. (2021). La politica migratoria europea: quali prospettive per il Nuovo Patto sulla Migrazione e l'Asilo?, Agenda Treccani, 29/04/2021.
Gerbaudo, M. (2020). Il nuovo Patto europeo su migrazione ed asilo: tra riforma e continuità, Affarinternazionali, 31/08/2020.
Gerbaudo, M. (2019). The X Case: The Influence of the Resource Requirement on Long Term Residents’ Integration and National Authorities’ Discretionary Powers. European papers: a journal on law and integration, 4(3), 801-808.
Montaldo, S., Miglio, A., Costamagna, F., Gerbaudo, M. (2019) Analysing the changing face of EU sanctioning powers: a conference in Turin (and a forthcoming book), EU law enforcement blog, 31/08/2019.
Nanda, R., Siragusa, G., Di Caro, L., Boella, G., Grossio, L., Gerbaudo, M., & Costamagna, F. (2018). Unsupervised and supervised text similarity systems for automated identification of national implementing measures of European directives. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 1-27.